Grandma On Indigo Prophecy: "What the Fuck?"
Grandma took your advice and rented Indigo Prophecy to see if it would be her next game. She was surprised our local Hollywood Video even had a copy, seeing as they never have copies of the newer games until they're scratched to hell by the "Aurora snob-spawn" who call ahead to reserve them and intimidate the poor bastards who work there with a Barrington address. They don't even carry God of War.
Grandma started the game with a short tutorial on how to "fuck around" in Indigo Prophecy. She says you don't really "play" the game, you just sort of ...fuck around. There are a few things to clear up first- you don't start a "New Game" at the title screen, you start a "New Movie." The tutorial explains the overly strange controls of this KOTOR like RPG, but they never say exactly what drugs the designers were on when they made them.
One doesn't have a dialogue menu like in Jade Empire where you scroll down from a selection of choices and press "X" to say it. No, that would be too easy. Indigo Prophecy has a series of short-topic phrases like "See Anything?" and "Advice" from which to quickly select, lest the dialogue timer runs out and you ruin your chances to ask a question. The selections are divided by movements of the right thumbstick. To choose the first phrase, one might have to move the stick to the left, the second one would be down, and so on.
Grandma: "You control several characters within the game, but the need to switch between them isn't very clear; for example- you play two detectives at the scene of the murder; so does one look for clues and the other talk to witnesses, or can one just do both; or will that create like... tension between the two because one partner is hogging all the work in the eyes of the other officers; or should the woman ask the waitress the questions because one is comforted more by a female officer than a male.... The game states right out that each decision holds a consequence on something else in the game, but how far should you think ahead?"
This isn't to say Indigo Prophecy all out sucks; it doesn't. There are many things to which one must pay attention and interact- the voice acting seems excellent, the graphics look great, and it has an engaging story. Already Grandma has made her character die from drinking alcohol and taking medication at the same time, piss, wrap his arm, hide bloody clothes, convince a cop nothing is going on, do the laundry, and drink some milk and a whole lot of water.
"Hey, he's got a MP3 player! ....sounds like Nickelback or some shit- he shouldn't listen to that he's already depressed..."
"Okay, get your band-aids, [Grandma screams] AHHH!!!! Holy Shit, and I knew that was coming!"
Me - "What?"
Grandma - "When he looks in the mirror in the bathroom, he's sees the guy he killed, and it scared the shit out of me and that's the SECOND time that's happened!"
"Nooo..... I can't get the fucking... camera! This is fucking weird...."
"No don't look at the picture! I didn't want to do that! Now he'll get depressed!"
Me - "So what are you doing now?"
Grandma - "I read his e-mail and closed the window. He won't play the guitar."
Me - "Ah."
"What the hell are bonus points?"
This would have been fairly easy to master for Grandma after a half hour of play but the game suffers from a fatal accessibility flaw- there are no subtitles available for Indigo Prophecy. It is vital that one hears the characters speak, and Grandma, even with the headphones, can't fully understand everything being said, creating moments of "No! Wait, I don't know what to say! WAIT!! I don't know what he said!! SHIT!" Update: Hey! There are subtitles! They are hidden though, one cannot select them in the pause options menu, at least not on the PS2 version. The game just got better.
She spent the money on the rental, so chances are she's going to keep trying. If Grandma doesn't buy it I probably will.Without subtitles, however, it's unlikely she'll choose it for her next big thing.
Grandma started the game with a short tutorial on how to "fuck around" in Indigo Prophecy. She says you don't really "play" the game, you just sort of ...fuck around. There are a few things to clear up first- you don't start a "New Game" at the title screen, you start a "New Movie." The tutorial explains the overly strange controls of this KOTOR like RPG, but they never say exactly what drugs the designers were on when they made them.
One doesn't have a dialogue menu like in Jade Empire where you scroll down from a selection of choices and press "X" to say it. No, that would be too easy. Indigo Prophecy has a series of short-topic phrases like "See Anything?" and "Advice" from which to quickly select, lest the dialogue timer runs out and you ruin your chances to ask a question. The selections are divided by movements of the right thumbstick. To choose the first phrase, one might have to move the stick to the left, the second one would be down, and so on.
Grandma: "You control several characters within the game, but the need to switch between them isn't very clear; for example- you play two detectives at the scene of the murder; so does one look for clues and the other talk to witnesses, or can one just do both; or will that create like... tension between the two because one partner is hogging all the work in the eyes of the other officers; or should the woman ask the waitress the questions because one is comforted more by a female officer than a male.... The game states right out that each decision holds a consequence on something else in the game, but how far should you think ahead?"
This isn't to say Indigo Prophecy all out sucks; it doesn't. There are many things to which one must pay attention and interact- the voice acting seems excellent, the graphics look great, and it has an engaging story. Already Grandma has made her character die from drinking alcohol and taking medication at the same time, piss, wrap his arm, hide bloody clothes, convince a cop nothing is going on, do the laundry, and drink some milk and a whole lot of water.
"Hey, he's got a MP3 player! ....sounds like Nickelback or some shit- he shouldn't listen to that he's already depressed..."
"Okay, get your band-aids, [Grandma screams] AHHH!!!! Holy Shit, and I knew that was coming!"
Me - "What?"
Grandma - "When he looks in the mirror in the bathroom, he's sees the guy he killed, and it scared the shit out of me and that's the SECOND time that's happened!"
"Nooo..... I can't get the fucking... camera! This is fucking weird...."
"No don't look at the picture! I didn't want to do that! Now he'll get depressed!"
Me - "So what are you doing now?"
Grandma - "I read his e-mail and closed the window. He won't play the guitar."
Me - "Ah."
"What the hell are bonus points?"
She spent the money on the rental, so chances are she's going to keep trying. If Grandma doesn't buy it I probably will.
At 3:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
There are subtitles. Check the options menu when continuing a game after taking a break. Or, just exit to the main menu and turn them on whenever. The game saves pretty frequently so you won't lose too much progress. It's kinda nice that way.
Enjoy the story. ^_^
At 8:57 AM,
CtrlAltDelete said…
Man that was weird! She was trying to access them through the pause options screen, and they're only accessible through the main menu.
Now you know what insomnia does to people. :)
At 10:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
hmm, that game does sound interesting. i might have to check it out as well. =P
At 11:31 AM,
Kirvi said…
I too had several "WTF!" moments playing Indigo (I finished it Saturday). Excellent story; Yes, I too screamed into the mirror; no, they won't tell you when you should switch partners, or the best question to ask, or which detective is better at investigating and questioning... *coughTylersucks!cough*.
That's the beauty of it! Think of it as a movie you can have some control over. And if you don't like the way that chapter turns out, go back to the chapter menu and re-do it! Have a blast, Grandma!
At 3:15 PM,
Brinstar said…
I will be reading Grandma's impressions of this game closely, because I am on the fence about whether to get it or not. It seems like a love-it or hate-it type game. I have seen strong views on both ends of the spectrum, and this confuses me and leaves me very indecisive.
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
*shakes her head* God I hate RPGs. (I did enjoy WoW for the 3 weeks I played though.)
At 5:56 PM,
DY357LX said…
I tried the pc demo of Fahrenheit (as it's called over here in the UK) and the controls just messed with my head so I uninstalled it and went to play the Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood demo instead.
However, I do intend to try Fahrenheit on the xbox as soon as financially possible.
Hey ctrlaltdel.... did you and/or OGHC manage to rent/buy The Suffering (the first one) ?
At 6:27 PM,
CtrlAltDelete said…
Grandma's still going hard in Indigo Prophecy, I don't think she's made up her mind yet. I'll let you guys know every little kink of craziness she encounters in this game so you can cross-reference some of the better reviews out there for the game and form an opinion. Like I said, I trust you guys.
steph- "God I hate RPGs..."
Blasphemy! :)
dy357lx- We are going to buy the original Suffering later this week I think. It's good and cheap at the local game refuge!
At 12:20 PM,
Collin said…
Indigo Prophecy isn't really a RPG though. It's an adventure game. There's no leveling.
I started the game Saturday night and haven't had time to get back to it yet. When my son found out that I'd bought it he flipped. I told him about the control issues and he passed it off as something wrong with me. Until he played for a bit. The funny thing was, I was working on my computer and he was playing on the XBox nearby, talking with me about what he needed to do. I was only paying half attention when he suddenly let out a horrendous shriek. His scream scared me half to death. It was the face in the mirror. Heheh.
One thing I noticed, in my game I found the murder weapon as Tyler, and in my son's game he found it as whats'er'name, and they were in different spots. It'll be interesting if that effects anything down the road.
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At 3:37 AM,
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You'll find subtitles. Examine the choices menu
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