Old Grandma Hardcore

This blog is the chronicle of my experiences with Grandma, the video-game playing queen of her age-bracket and weight class. She will beat any PS2, XBox, GameCube, etc., console game put in front of her, just like she always has. These are her stories. She is absolutely real. She lives in Cleveland.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Video 26: Grandma plays Final Fantasy XIII

Filmed yesterday, so it gives you a good idea of how far in she is on her first playthrough. She's still learning strategy, so if you have any tips on how she can improve her battle ratings, she's very open to your advice.

I'm no help. I can't follow what the hell is going on when I watch her, and I'm not going to start a game myself until she's done with the thing.

Also: I did the best I could to avoid putting spoilers in the video, so it's safe for those of us who want to take the journey at our own pace.

Game on!


  • At 10:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    woot :D go Grandma!

    I think this is the hardest FF battle system yet.

  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger Fayorei said…

    Though I'm not the best either at the game, I've found chaining to be the best way to win a lot of the random battles, and letting full combos complete instead of interrupting is good to get staggers done more quickly?

    That, and switching in a medic into the paradigm mix as needed.

    Seems to be a lot of key to getting 5 star ratings is speed, from what I've found.

    Loved the vid!

  • At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Carl said…

    Grandma, this boss has 3 parts a head, a shield on his right arm and a shield on his left arm. Use Libra on each part as this tells your party what he in most vulnerable to. Different parts are vulnerable to different elements. Once you have used Libra on all the different parts press R1 to show the list of what he is vulnerable to and what he is strong against. It also gives hints how to beat him fast.

  • At 8:05 AM, Anonymous gih said…

    Haha that's nice. Go grandma, go for it!

  • At 8:23 AM, Anonymous denparser said…

    woho! i love that psp game too. how nice grandma!

  • At 11:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Grandma and I both think the blue PS3 controller is the best one!

    ...Or her black one's battery died.

  • At 5:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I was thinking, you should create a Facebook fan page for Old Grandma Hardcore. I would be very surprised if there weren't a lot of people who'd become a fan of her, and it's also another way to update people when she's playing :)

  • At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi granma, good to see youre still enjoying yourself.

    In these boss battles I think you should buff your characters with positive effects to boost defense and offense (with synergists), and even (if the enemy is vulnerable) hitting him with negative effects (with saboteurs). The time it takes to get these effects is largely compensated in big boss battles.

    Another obvious tip is, in cases when the enemy is preparing a big attack, have a sentinel to cast provoke and steelguard.

    In short, in big boss battles, Synergist/saboteur isn't a half bad way to start, with the third character being a medic or a sentinel to give you enough time to fully boost your party and debuff the enemy. Then you can proceed with the slaughter :)

  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger CtrlAltDelete said…

    Fayorei, Carl, and Anon- thanks for the advice! I know Grandma reads everything when she gets up so she'll know more about what you're talking about than I do.

    I believe she is on Chapter 11 now. It took her four days but she beat Cid Raines (with five stars, which surprised the hell out of her- "I don't know what I did!!")

    She has Alexander now, I know that. She's wandering in an area that looks a hell of a lot like Dalmasca, if that makes any sense :)


    You're very welcome to set up such a thing if you like. Grandma is creepy on facebook with her 360. She browses through everybody's pictures.


    She picked up her blue DS3 a couple weeks ago during BioShock 2, I think. She loves the hell out of it.

  • At 3:36 AM, Blogger Almostnakedape said…

    That's what I love about this game. You can die horribly for hours on one fight then you get the right team and set of Paradigms and wipe the floor with the bosses. It really gives a sense of achievement.

    That and the way that it makes you actually feel emotions in a way that I never really have with any game another than Final Fantasy ones.

  • At 12:43 PM, Anonymous saleel said…

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  • At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Jessica said…

    Way to go! I just love seeing people have fun with games. That's right. Gaming isn't for kids or boys anymore. People always think that gamers are young, high school aged guys. NOT true! I'm female and in my late 30's and I think I'm still gonna be gaming for a long time.

    Currently working through FFXIII. Was kinda hesitant and a bit scared (360 degree games scare me a bit.). Also, the enemies are so huge and realistic. As well, The battle system kinda intimidated me too. I was having trouble even on slow! However, seeing Grandma go, I'm so inspired! Thanks! I don't give a sh!t if I get low or no stars, as long as I'm having fun!

  • At 2:34 AM, Anonymous Sunlight Rider said…

    I do have a question for you Grandma, I'm at the same boss you're at in this post's video. And i didn't pay atention to the upgrading gear so I'm all "fucked up". I would like to know what type of gear did you had while playing against this boss.

    Thank you.

  • At 12:55 AM, Anonymous attack builder said…


  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous dodz said…

    cool grandma, don't count the number of your age.. just count the number of relaxing moment while playing FF. hahahah

  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Some FFXI Tips:

    Best Group to get is Lighting, Fang and Hope. This is due that these characters gives you all the selections you need (Paragrams System)

    Trash Mobs just go Rav with Hope and Lighting and Commando with Fang. Use Rav/Com/Medic to heal up.

    For Emegncies put Sentiel/Medic/ Rav or Sentiel/Medic/Medic or Sentiel/Medic/Synergist.

    Best to start a boss fight is with Sab and Synergist, to buff your group and debuff the boss in question.

    Best weapons to upgrade are:
    Hawkeye for Hope. It has the best Magic Stats, Hope only needs Magic+

    Lionheart for Lighting. Balanced stats with EARLY BREAK. This will be godly.

    Fang is a preference. You can use Pandora's spear if you like debuffing, or use Taming Pole, since as commando you don't need to break mobs, but keep the stagger from falling down.

  • At 4:07 PM, Anonymous insurance quote said…

    I love the into music used, that was great! Hilarious, Thanks!

  • At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Spencer Smith said…

    Your grandma is so freaking cool. If only I could get mine to figure out how to use the internet -- haha.

  • At 11:52 AM, Anonymous accident insurance plan said…

    OMG teaching my Grandma to login to email was a chore, your Grandma rocks!

    This is awesome. Thanks!

  • At 4:45 AM, Anonymous dodzsky said…

    this grandma is such a gamer... i wish that she play online too, so that we can meet online

  • At 4:33 AM, Anonymous hezron said…

    i love this game too.

  • At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Grandma you seriously ROCK!!!

    <3 <3 <3

    Want moar OGHC updates

    Game on!

  • At 1:33 AM, Anonymous baseball bats said…

    I played all Final Fantasy game and this is indeed the hardest.

  • At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Republic Monetary said…

    I want to be her when I grow up!

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  • At 3:49 AM, Anonymous escalante blogger said…

    That's a cool game.

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    Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.

  • At 1:53 PM, Blogger Danny's Biz said…

    Absolutely hysterical. Your grandma rocks!

  • At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Max Carver said…

    I just wanted to say that your grandma is awesome.

  • At 4:55 AM, Anonymous ttv said…

    The game that I love too.

  • At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anti Gravity Game Network said…

    UGH I want this game soo bad! You're doing a kickass job on that boss though! :D Go grams!

  • At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your grandma is the best, she's hilarious! 'Jesus FUCK'

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  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    LMAO i love this lady i wish u were my grandma!!

    check out my gaming an tech blog at

  • At 4:51 AM, Anonymous farmerama said…

    Grandma, you rock! What a legendary grandma you are!

  • At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Luke said…

    Go grandma, shame ff has sucked since 7 :(

  • At 5:31 AM, Blogger gih said…

    I also play that kinda game. :-)


  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger part time genius said…

    Woo! ahaha... Another senoir gamer, keep going! I hope I still play when I'm older!

  • At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Argentina Gaming said…


  • At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Rozzy said…

    Wow! Grandma, you are already far. I am thinking what will be the game I will play first FFXII or God Of War. Well I will be playing FFXII soon since I will be finsihing God of War sooner. I enjoyed the vid.

  • At 1:49 PM, Anonymous online games said…

    The game takes place in the fictional floating world of Cocoon, whose government, the Sanctum, is ordering a purge of civilians who have supposedly come into contact with Pulse, the much-feared world below. The former soldier Lightning begins her fight against the government in order to save her sister who has been branded as an unwilling servant to a god-like being from Pulse, making her an enemy of Cocoon.

  • At 1:51 PM, Anonymous super mario games said…

    The most important aspect of a rhythm game is the music, of course, and Theatrhythm has a lot to offer Final Fantasy fans. Among the songs confirmed as included are the main Final Fantasy theme,

  • At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Kostenlose Online Spiele said…

    For me, I just want to see some of the original party return as playable. We have Lightning, and she's the one everybody really wanted back, and Serah's cool and I guess Noel could be too, but no one else? That would just be an odd thing to do in an RPG sequel when the first game was so heavily character driven.

  • At 2:44 AM, Anonymous Sports Game said…

    It's great to know that older people can still appreciate games like this.

  • At 5:05 AM, Anonymous shekhar said…

    very nice blog

  • At 10:46 AM, Anonymous deep said…

    all credit goes to grandma , i owe to this blog creator who knows how to engage people`s interest in a blog .

  • At 5:56 AM, Anonymous ThePredatorGames said…

    This is awesome, you are actually good at the game, very entertaining and much love. :)

  • At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 9:54 AM, Blogger Deepansh Khurana said…

    Wow! Great Blog.. Loved It! :)

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    Thee cool thing about this grandma is that she knows how to pick the best games to play with.

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    woot :D go Grandma!

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    Final Fantasy is my favorite rpg of all time. I would stay up hours playing it, and i would also ignore my girlfriend when trying to find new stuff lol

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